Dear Youth,
Hi. I formed you in your mother’s womb. I watched you grow into the fine person you’ve become. My heart beats with love for you, and so I made my saving grace available to you through My Son. I watched you struggle with impurity; I watched you try to stand and then fall. I saw you make the decision to follow Me, and then turn back when it got tough. I saw you mixing with the wrong crowd, because you couldn’t tell them no. I watched you compromise, because you felt you weren’t courageous enough to stand out. I listened to your cries for help, and gave you comfort through My Spirit. When you came running back, I opened My arms to welcome you, but you left again.
Now you’ve taken a stand, a firm one. My heart is pulsating with joy at this, my face breaking into a smile so bright it rivals the sun. Then I saw you go down on your knees to ask Me, “Father, how do I keep my life pure?”
Here’s my reply – young people keep their lives pure by obeying My commands. You keep your life unsullied and free from immorality by keeping to My instructions. Surround yourself with friends that seek Me, meditate on My Word day and night so that you would know it by heart and be able to follow it.
All these aren’t too difficult, right? But if you still consider them hard to abide by, I understand. I know you can’t do it by yourself, that’s why I gave you My Spirit. He’ll help you, teach you, guide you and lead you into all truth.
I look forward to hearing from you; after all I have told you to come so that we can reason together. You can always come before Me with boldness and confidence through Jesus, My Son.
Oh, and in celebration of your new identity in Christ, your inheritance with the saints and your citizenship of heaven; I say, cheers.
Yours forever,
Your Father in Heaven.