Humans are imperfect beings loved by a perfect God.
As a result of our imperfections, we sometimes commit mistakes that end up hurting ourselves and even others. However, when this happens, we are not to remain in the pit of our mistakes and refuse to rise.
All of us have made mistakes. We have failed in one way or the other in the past. You may have been engaged in a wrongdoing and because of this, you keep blaming yourself even after God has forgiven you. This shouldn’t be. God has forgiven you so why don’t you come to terms with the forgiveness you have received and be kind to yourself?
Not being able to rise from the pit of your mistakes would make you operate at a level of mediocrity. This is because you will believe you are the mistakes you’ve committed, and that your self-worth is based on these mistakes. You will keep looking down on yourself, and your mind will be filled with thoughts of hatred towards yourself, and feelings of guilt and shame. This could lead to depression and even suicidal thoughts.
Inferiority complex and low self-esteem then set in, and you would not be motivated to achieve greatness in life because you will think you are a good-for-nothing person.
It is pertinent to note that it will be difficult to move past the level of your mistakes if you keep dwelling on them. Everyone makes mistakes, true. But we serve a God who is perfect goodness and who loved us even while we were yet sinners. As His word says, He will be with us to comfort, guide and protect us even through the deep and sunless valley so let Him pick you up. Allow Him to guide you. Forget the past, let it go, you’ve been made a new creature. Let God help you make effective use of your present as you fulfill the great plans He has for your future.
You’re not what you have done. The Bible tells us in Roman 8, the first verse that there is therefore now no condemnation for us who are in Christ Jesus. You’re not a failure. You are who God says you are and God himself calls you beloved, so why should you look down on yourself and think you’re worth nothing?
A man once said, you were bought by God at the price of the precious blood of Jesus, therefore you’re priceless.
Your mistakes do not cancel your destiny, another man of God stated therefore beloved, do not dwell on your mistakes. They do not define who you are or who you will turn out to be. Knowing and believing this truth will help you to truly love yourself and appreciate the gifts and talents God has packed inside you.
No matter the mistakes you’ve made, you can and will rise again. God has not left you behind, He’s right here beside you with arms wide open waiting for you to come into His embrace. Psalm 136:23 says that,
‘He did not forget us when we were defeated; His love is eternal.’ (GNT)
Dear friend, don’t hold on to your past, refusing to forgive yourself but rather hold on to God and let not your mistakes define who you are – because in Christ, you have been redeemed and made new.
Also, do not let other people’s mistakes define who you are or who you’ll turn out to be. For example, if your parents did not plan to have you and they keep reminding you about this, saying you are a mistake, do not believe that. It’s not true! God wanted you on this earth for a reason, that’s why He sent you here even if your parents did not “plan” you.
And if the Creator of the Heavens and the earth loves you so much that He sent you Jesus, His son to lay down his life for you; if the Holy Spirit has come down to live in you and be your bestie, why then do you think you’re worth nothing? On the contrary, your value is far higher than all the gems in the world. So stand tall in the identity Christ has given you!