Category Archives: Youth’s Corner

His Never Ending Love

David committed adultery and murder. Samson leaked his secret and his hair was cut off. Nebuchadnezzar was proud and was punished to live like an animal for years. Peter denied Jesus, his Teacher and Friend. Paul persecuted Christians.

The Bible is replete with stories of people who sinned in one way or the other. But our God is a God of mercy, and He makes His saving grace available to all. Perhaps, you also have stumbled and fallen. Perhaps you think you’re too far gone to be saved. Perhaps, you believe that God’s love is not for you. That’s a lie! The love of God is everlasting. His saving grace is available for you too. No one is excluded from the finished work of Christ. Even if you’ve fallen flat on your face, God doesn’t hate you. He wants you back. He wants to restore you, just like He restored the heroes in the Bible.

David was called a man after God’s own heart. Samson’s hair grew back and he became strong again. Nebuchadnezzar’s sanity was restored; and he got his kingdom and status back. Peter repented and God performed miracles through him. Paul encountered Jesus and wrote two-thirds of the New Testament.

So what sin have you committed that you think God won’t forgive? That you can’t be restored? Turn to God and confess your sins. He’ll forgive and restore you, for there’s hope for even a tree that has been cut down…at the scent of water it’ll flourish and sprout like a young plant!

His love for you is never ending. Don’t ever forget that!

A Letter from DAD

Dear Youth,

Hi. I formed you in your mother’s womb. I watched you grow into the fine person you’ve become. My heart beats with love for you, and so I made my saving grace available to you through My Son. I watched you struggle with impurity; I watched you try to stand and then fall. I saw you make the decision to follow Me, and then turn back when it got tough. I saw you mixing with the wrong crowd, because you couldn’t tell them no. I watched you compromise, because you felt you weren’t courageous enough to stand out. I listened to your cries for help, and gave you comfort through My Spirit. When you came running back, I opened My arms to welcome you, but you left again.

Now you’ve taken a stand, a firm one. My heart is pulsating with joy at this, my face breaking into a smile so bright it rivals the sun. Then I saw you go down on your knees to ask Me, “Father, how do I keep my life pure?”

Here’s my reply – young people keep their lives pure by obeying My commands. You keep your life unsullied and free from immorality by keeping to My instructions. Surround yourself with friends that seek Me, meditate on My Word day and night so that you would know it by heart and be able to follow it.

All these aren’t too difficult, right? But if you still consider them hard to abide by, I understand. I know you can’t do it by yourself, that’s why I gave you My Spirit. He’ll help you, teach you, guide you and lead you into all truth.

I look forward to hearing from you; after all I have told you to come so that we can reason together. You can always come before Me with boldness and confidence through Jesus, My Son.

Oh, and in celebration of your new identity in Christ, your inheritance with the saints and your citizenship of heaven; I say, cheers.

Yours forever,

Your Father in Heaven.

Welcome Back!

I trudge along the streets, light breaking out from the horizon as the sun rises in the sky. Lifting up my eyes, I gaze at my father’s house in the distance, the building towering above all others.

Blisters litter my feet, every step forcing out gasps from my mouth. But I refuse to stop, my mind racing.

I had been gone for too long. Would my father recognize me? Would he accept me back? What about my elder brother?

My gaze lands on a biscuit wrapper and I bend to pick it up. I find crumbs inside, so I throw them into my mouth. At least that would suffice for the meals I had missed for days now. Perhaps if my father doesn’t accept me, I would beg to join his servants. Their state is still better than my current one.

I limp towards father’s gate, but as I near it, it flings open and my father dashes towards me. I see the tears in his eyes as he wraps his arms round me and draws me into his embrace.


“It’s okay son.” Father whispers, his arms tightening around me.

Moments later, he pulls away and leads me into the compound, barking orders at his servants to get me a change of clothes and to kill the fattest cow to celebrate my return.

“My son is back home.” Father says, his eyes dancing with joy. “My son is back home.”

I blink back tears, but they refuse to retreat. With my hand clutching my father’s, he guides me into our home, where I’d always belonged. I realize now that I should have returned a long time ago. Father would never have condemned me. Instead, he would have welcomed me with a loving heart, just like he did now.

How far have you wandered away from your Heavenly Father? Just like the father of the prodigal son, God is waiting for you to return to Him. His arms are itching to receive you, and His heart is beating with love just for you.

Come back home, dear son/daughter, for your Father’s home is also yours. Don’t be shy, don’t be afraid. Return to God, and you’ll be ushered into His presence with shouts of joy by the angels as they sing, “Welcome back!”

Run To Win

Imagine a team of athletes are running on a track, and then one of them goes off the track, runs towards the spectators and begins to take pictures with them even though the race is not yet over. What would you think? That he or she is an unserious athlete that has no ambition to win, right? He or she would most probably not win the race and might even get disqualified.

Similarly, we as Christians are running a race.

Because we are running a race, we can’t afford to be distracted by the things of this world. Instead, we are to fix our eyes on Jesus who is the Author and Finisher of our faith while we run the race that has been set before us. We are to remove from our lives anything that would get in the way, especially the sin that so easily and cleverly catches us as Hebrews 12:1-2 tells us, and run this race with endurance, bearing in mind our reward, that is, the attainment of a crown that will last forever.

The reason why we do this is so that even after preaching the gospel to others, we would not be disqualified. While people of this world engage in sports to win a medal that will perish, the crown that awaits you will never rust.

Moreover, you can’t attain this crown by your own strength. It is not by your power or might, but by the Spirit of the Lord. He will help and guide you, so that you won’t make the wrong turns in this race of a lifetime (Zechariah 4:6). This is one reason out of multitudes for which Abba gave us the Holy Spirit. He serves as a guide to encourage and keep us in the right path.

Therefore, brethren do not let anything weigh you down; don’t give room for distractions and discouragement. Remember that in a race all the runners run but only one gets the prize. Run like that! (1 Corinthians 9:24-27)

In Jude 1:24 the Bible says that God is able to keep us from stumbling or falling into sin and present us unblemished in His presence. You have to learn how to hold on to His word. The Holy Spirit is with you to help you navigate through the twists and turns of this life, but it’s difficult to know His voice without knowing the Word. This is because the Holy Spirit only speaks the Truth; Jesus is the Word that became flesh, He is also the Way, the Truth and the Life (John 1:14, 14:6). So if you don’t know the Word, you won’t know the truth. If you don’t know the truth, then you can’t know when the Spirit of Truth is leading you.

How are you running your race? Is it to win or to lose?

Please, run your race to win so that at the end you can say with a joyful heart,

I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.

And now, a crown awaits me.”

Rising from the Pit

Humans are imperfect beings loved by a perfect God.

As a result of our imperfections, we sometimes commit mistakes that end up hurting ourselves and even others. However, when this happens, we are not to remain in the pit of our mistakes and refuse to rise.

All of us have made mistakes. We have failed in one way or the other in the past. You may have been engaged in a wrongdoing and because of this, you keep blaming yourself even after God has forgiven you. This shouldn’t be. God has forgiven you so why don’t you come to terms with the forgiveness you have received and be kind to yourself?

Not being able to rise from the pit of your mistakes would make you operate at a level of mediocrity. This is because you will believe you are the mistakes you’ve committed, and that your self-worth is based on these mistakes. You will keep looking down on yourself, and your mind will be filled with thoughts of hatred towards yourself, and feelings of guilt and shame. This could lead to depression and even suicidal thoughts.

Inferiority complex and low self-esteem then set in, and you would not be motivated to achieve greatness in life because you will think you are a good-for-nothing person.

It is pertinent to note that it will be difficult to move past the level of your mistakes if you keep dwelling on them. Everyone makes mistakes, true. But we serve a God who is perfect goodness and who loved us even while we were yet sinners. As His word says, He will be with us to comfort, guide and protect us even through the deep and sunless valley so let Him pick you up. Allow Him to guide you. Forget the past, let it go, you’ve been made a new creature. Let God help you make effective use of your present as you fulfill the great plans He has for your future.

You’re not what you have done. The Bible tells us in Roman 8, the first verse that there is therefore now no condemnation for us who are in Christ Jesus. You’re not a failure. You are who God says you are and God himself calls you beloved, so why should you look down on yourself and think you’re worth nothing?

A man once said, you were bought by God at the price of the precious blood of Jesus, therefore you’re priceless.

Your mistakes do not cancel your destiny, another man of God stated therefore beloved, do not dwell on your mistakes. They do not define who you are or who you will turn out to be. Knowing and believing this truth will help you to truly love yourself and appreciate the gifts and talents God has packed inside you.

No matter the mistakes you’ve made, you can and will rise again. God has not left you behind, He’s right here beside you with arms wide open waiting for you to come into His embrace. Psalm 136:23 says that,

‘He did not forget us when we were defeated; His love is eternal.’ (GNT)

Dear friend, don’t hold on to your past, refusing to forgive yourself but rather hold on to God and let not your mistakes define who you are – because in Christ, you have been redeemed and made new.

Also, do not let other people’s mistakes define who you are or who you’ll turn out to be. For example, if your parents did not plan to have you and they keep reminding you about this, saying you are a mistake, do not believe that. It’s not true! God wanted you on this earth for a reason, that’s why He sent you here even if your parents did not “plan” you.

And if the Creator of the Heavens and the earth loves you so much that He sent you Jesus, His son to lay down his life for you; if the Holy Spirit has come down to live in you and be your bestie, why then do you think you’re worth nothing? On the contrary, your value is far higher than all the gems in the world. So stand tall in the identity Christ has given you!

The Words You Speak

Words are significant, especially the ones we speak over ourselves.

As a result, we are to speak good things into our lives. Don’t say things like – enu gbe, money no dey ground, boys are broke, I can’t make it, babes are ugly, my head is big but my brain is tiny, Sapa na my papa, I’m shapeless, E don spoil, I’m a poor speaker, etc.

The Bible tells us that the power of life and death lies in the tongue. This shows how powerful the tongue is, therefore use it for your good. Everyone desires a successful life, a life filled with good health, peace, joy and provision and yet we still speak failure and evil over ourselves!

Our confessions over ourselves and circumstances matter a lot so continue to speak positive words even when you have not yet started to see the physical manifestation.

Your life will align with your words because you say what you believe. Your words are a result of your thoughts, hence if you say you’re a nobody or that you can’t achieve anything in life, it’s most likely what you have been thinking in your heart.

Confess God’s promises over yourself and speak His Word into your life. He watches over His Word to perform it, so He’ll watch over the Word that you’ve spoken into your life to perform it. Isaiah 55:11 tells us that His word will never return to Him without accomplishing that which He has sent it out to do, therefore when we speak God’s word, we’ll see it becoming fulfilled in our lives.

Say things like: I’m loved and forgiven by God; I’m redeemed; I’m the apple of God’s eye; I’m unique, beautiful/handsome and brilliant; I walk in prosperity and victory; Help and helpers locate me; I’m more than a conqueror; I’m fruitful and I multiply; I’m blessed and so the work of my hands are blessed; The Lord multiplies my efforts.

Even as you make these confessions, work hard. Don’t say “I’ll pass my exams” and yet you wouldn’t read or “I’ll be promoted” and yet you’re only present at work twice a week. Study, be diligent in what you do and speak the Word because when God enforces it, success is assured.

Speak God’s Word and watch how your life becomes exactly what you desire!

PRAYER – The World’s Greatest Wireless Connection

Prayer is the world’s greatest wireless connection because it connects you directly to your Maker, the Lord Almighty. As Christians, we pray to God with the help of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.

In Philippians 4:6, the Bible tells us,

‘Don’t fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God’s wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It’s wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life.’ (MSG)

This shows that prayer is not an exercise of your vocal cords, or you speaking to space. It is communication with the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth. It should be a conversation between you and God, not just you talking and then rushing out of His presence afterwards. You should wait and listen to what He has to say to you.

Prayer strengthens your faith in God, equipping you with the ability to scale hurdles and to do the things you could not do by your power. Invest time in praying and seeking God’s face on issues of life. Pray to know God’s will for your life, and ask Him for His guidance and strength to walk in it.

Prayer invites God into your life affairs, giving Him the freedom to do great things. Persist even if you don’t yet see the physical manifestation, because your prayers do make a difference.

If you are going through difficult times, lay them at the feet of Jesus. He is greater than whatever is causing you anxiety. Pray for yourself, pray for others; pray concerning your today and your future. Prayers do not have an expiration date. You never know when, where, or how God will answer.

Pray without ceasing and not only when things are falling apart. Don’t give in to anxiety, rather turn all your concerns and heart desires over to God believing He has heard you and is working things out for your good.

May the peace of God encompass and keep you in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Invest In Yourself

Investing is spending money, time, or energy on something, especially for some benefit or purpose.

Just like the way one invests in stock, it is also possible to invest in oneself. Apart from God and your parents, no one else would spend as much money, time or energy on yourself like you would.

When you invest in yourself, you carry out actions and get involved in activities that develop you. It helps you work towards making yourself a greater person in life, so that you can become someone to be reckoned with.

How do you invest in yourself?

  • Self-discovery: Take time to think deeply. Ask yourself; Who am I? What can I do well? What do I want to become in life? What are my gifts and talents? These questions will help you to realize the abilities you have been gifted with and also serve as a guide for your ambitions.
  • Hone your talents: Every human being on earth has been blessed by God with a gift. What is that thing you find you’re best at, that activity that you engage in without struggles or making any special effort? It’s probably your talent. Polish it, and let it shine. It’ll make a way for you to stand before kings and noble men.
  • Learn a skill: Take a course, learn a vocation, start a business. Don’t be idle, get engaged in something. Even if you have a degree already, you could still learn a trade. It could be catering, hairstyling, makeup, teaching younger ones a subject or two, learning how to fix pipes around the house or selling items like belts, perfumes, etc. What you learn now would definitely serve as a help to you later in life, because no knowledge is ever wasted. Let there be an extra to your ordinary, it’s what makes you stand out from others.
  • Read books: Try to read books that will help increase your knowledge base positively. The truth is, you can’t know it all, and the more you read, the more knowledgeable you become. Books, whether hard copy or e-copy, are very essential investments because readers are leaders.
  • Create meaningful friendships: Surround yourself with great minds, and you’ll become great yourself. When your friends are people who are goal-getters or achievers in life, they’ll prompt you in the same direction. Asking them for feedback and corrections concerning issues you’re experiencing helps you know where you might be slipping up. Good friends serve as proper guides to help and support you during challenging times.
  • Take care of yourself: Eat good food, rest well, drink lots of water and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Doing this will help you enjoy good health and protect you from illnesses or diseases that occur due to unhealthy lifestyles. It is only the living that have dreams and aspirations.
  • Involve God: Pray for yourself, fast for yourself, commit your future into God’s hands – trusting Him to take care of you despite how tough life might become. Seek God’s face concerning His plans for you so that you can live your life in accordance with His will. Carry God along because only in Him is there true meaning to life. When you do this, you’re not likely to go astray, as He would help you live a life of victory and excellence.

Investing in yourself is a process that never stops. You can’t do it all at once; rather it’s something you achieve over a course of time. Engage in activities that make you better. Even if it seems like results are not being yielded, remain consistent and the Good Lord will make the work of your hands over yourself fruitful.

Our Heavenly Guide

The king sat staring into space, his finger tapping against the side of the throne. Gathered around him, his advisers spoke in loud voices.

“My lord, why don’t we attack them the same way we did the last time?”

“Your Majesty, it would be better if we—”

The king raised his hand, a sigh escaping his lips. “That’s enough. You may all take your leave.”

After the door was shut the door behind the last person, the King threw off his robe and crown before sinking to his knees.

“Lord.” He cried. “Please help me. Should I attack them like before? Will I be victorious?”

Yes. But go around and get ready to attack them from the other side, near the balsam trees.

Once again, he rode into battle and did as God instructed. As his army carried the loot of the enemy into their camp, King David smiled and lifted up his face to Heaven.

“Thank you Lord.”

Have you ever been in a situation where you don’t know what to do or how to do it? Where it seems like you’re standing on the edge of a cliff and any step forward will make you plunge into disaster?

Just as we have seen King David do in the story mentioned above from 2 Samuel 5: 17-25, the Bible tells us in Proverbs 3: 5-6 that we should,

‘Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths.’ (KJV)

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Never rely on what you think you know. Remember the Lord in everything you do, and He will show you the right way.’ (GNT)

At times, we are in such a rush to get things done that we forget there’s Someone who sees the end from the beginning and knows how everything would turn out. For example, you might think that a particular step or way is the best for you, however God knows that such step will not end well. God is your Father and He wants you to have the best, but most times what we think is best is not usually so.

Although God will never force you to come to Him; He loves you and is always ready to help. You can be sure He will never lead you astray so beloved, commit everything you want to do into God’s hands – whether in your finances, marital life, ministry or education. Don’t try to do things your own way, instead acknowledge how important He is, and He would remove every roadblocks from your way. Even as you go through life, trust God and be confident in Him—that He is willing and able to help and watch how things will unfold in your favour.
