His Never Ending Love

David committed adultery and murder. Samson leaked his secret and his hair was cut off. Nebuchadnezzar was proud and was punished to live like an animal for years. Peter denied Jesus, his Teacher and Friend. Paul persecuted Christians.

The Bible is replete with stories of people who sinned in one way or the other. But our God is a God of mercy, and He makes His saving grace available to all. Perhaps, you also have stumbled and fallen. Perhaps you think you’re too far gone to be saved. Perhaps, you believe that God’s love is not for you. That’s a lie! The love of God is everlasting. His saving grace is available for you too. No one is excluded from the finished work of Christ. Even if you’ve fallen flat on your face, God doesn’t hate you. He wants you back. He wants to restore you, just like He restored the heroes in the Bible.

David was called a man after God’s own heart. Samson’s hair grew back and he became strong again. Nebuchadnezzar’s sanity was restored; and he got his kingdom and status back. Peter repented and God performed miracles through him. Paul encountered Jesus and wrote two-thirds of the New Testament.

So what sin have you committed that you think God won’t forgive? That you can’t be restored? Turn to God and confess your sins. He’ll forgive and restore you, for there’s hope for even a tree that has been cut down…at the scent of water it’ll flourish and sprout like a young plant!

His love for you is never ending. Don’t ever forget that!

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