Investing is spending money, time, or energy on something, especially for some benefit or purpose.
Just like the way one invests in stock, it is also possible to invest in oneself. Apart from God and your parents, no one else would spend as much money, time or energy on yourself like you would.
When you invest in yourself, you carry out actions and get involved in activities that develop you. It helps you work towards making yourself a greater person in life, so that you can become someone to be reckoned with.
How do you invest in yourself?
- Self-discovery: Take time to think deeply. Ask yourself; Who am I? What can I do well? What do I want to become in life? What are my gifts and talents? These questions will help you to realize the abilities you have been gifted with and also serve as a guide for your ambitions.
- Hone your talents: Every human being on earth has been blessed by God with a gift. What is that thing you find you’re best at, that activity that you engage in without struggles or making any special effort? It’s probably your talent. Polish it, and let it shine. It’ll make a way for you to stand before kings and noble men.
- Learn a skill: Take a course, learn a vocation, start a business. Don’t be idle, get engaged in something. Even if you have a degree already, you could still learn a trade. It could be catering, hairstyling, makeup, teaching younger ones a subject or two, learning how to fix pipes around the house or selling items like belts, perfumes, etc. What you learn now would definitely serve as a help to you later in life, because no knowledge is ever wasted. Let there be an extra to your ordinary, it’s what makes you stand out from others.
- Read books: Try to read books that will help increase your knowledge base positively. The truth is, you can’t know it all, and the more you read, the more knowledgeable you become. Books, whether hard copy or e-copy, are very essential investments because readers are leaders.
- Create meaningful friendships: Surround yourself with great minds, and you’ll become great yourself. When your friends are people who are goal-getters or achievers in life, they’ll prompt you in the same direction. Asking them for feedback and corrections concerning issues you’re experiencing helps you know where you might be slipping up. Good friends serve as proper guides to help and support you during challenging times.
- Take care of yourself: Eat good food, rest well, drink lots of water and try to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Doing this will help you enjoy good health and protect you from illnesses or diseases that occur due to unhealthy lifestyles. It is only the living that have dreams and aspirations.
- Involve God: Pray for yourself, fast for yourself, commit your future into God’s hands – trusting Him to take care of you despite how tough life might become. Seek God’s face concerning His plans for you so that you can live your life in accordance with His will. Carry God along because only in Him is there true meaning to life. When you do this, you’re not likely to go astray, as He would help you live a life of victory and excellence.
Investing in yourself is a process that never stops. You can’t do it all at once; rather it’s something you achieve over a course of time. Engage in activities that make you better. Even if it seems like results are not being yielded, remain consistent and the Good Lord will make the work of your hands over yourself fruitful.